Five Steps to Losing Weight

Step 1: What do you want?

This step will be about you. It has nothing to do with others, just you. It will be your goals, the process of you achieving them, and the reasons for these goals. So what do you want to achieve? Is it to lose weight? To become more physically strong? Or become healthier? And why? Before you start, carefully consider what you want to achieve and write it down. Be clear about the goal to be achieved. Write everything down and focus on what you want.

Step 2: Planning Stage

In this step, we will be breaking down your goal into manageable parts. For example, if your goal is to lose 3 stones, think about the amount of time and how the process will be. It is said that a sensible diet, with little or no exercise, will take an average of 7 weeks before you lose a stone. That means a person will lose 2 pounds a week. So, 3 x 7 = 21 weeks, that’s about 4 months.

It may seem like a long time, but this is a realistic timetable. That is why it is possible to lose 2 kilos per week. You have to split the goal into manageable parts to lessen the difficulty.

Step 3: Time Management

You must aside several hours of your time for the diet plan and training regimen. You have to consider your daily life to make sure you have sufficient time for you to prepare your food and to train. Creating a pattern for you to follow daily will make the process easier to adjust. Preparing the ingredients for tomorrow’s meal and following planned exercises will save time. If you’re a very busy person, find a pattern that will suit your busy schedule.

Calculate the calories of your daily meals and buy ingredients at the beginning of the week. Not only are you eating the right food, but you can also save money by throwing unnecessary things. You lose weight and save money.

Step 4: Action

Take action. When the plan is set and everything is prepared, the last thing you need to do is to take action. Follow your diet plan and the exercises in your training regimen. Don’t be someone who goes back and says I wish I did sooner. Take the actions you know you need to take to get close to reach your goal.